There is no choice. Especially for early career researchers.
No peer-review
No ownership
Research fraud

Traditional Journals
Months to publish
90%+ rejection rate

Until now



in Days

The world’s first open knowledge community & self-publishing platform
Empowered to Share

Full copyright retention and ownership to avoid commercial misuse
Submit diverse research types and maturity. Negative results encouraged
Immediate open access visibility while your research is relevant
Review Dialogue

Rapid matchmaking of your work to domain experts globally
Open pre- and post-publication, community-driven peer-review
Quality assurance without restrictive editorial gatekeeping
Rewards. Your time and expertise is valued
Peer-review should not be done for free and be open to any capable researcher
Visible Analytics

Live tracking of reviews, views and citations
Metrics to assess the broader impact of your reviews and submissions
Enhanced research discoverability compared to traditional journals
Promote & Collaborate

Collaborate and discuss with cross-disciplinary researchers beyond borders
Collaborate with funding bodies and institutions across the globe
Research promotion and marketing tools, including social media sharing